The State Fair of Texas: Uncovering the Overlooked Moments


Howdy, fellow photography enthusiasts! The State Fair of Texas, a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and smells, draws millions each year. While the Big Tex statue, fried delicacies, and heart-stopping rides steal the spotlight, a treasure trove of undiscovered magic resides beyond the usual suspects. This year, with my trusty camera and a State Fair of Texas Photography media pass in hand, I embarked on a mission to capture these overlooked gems.

Forget the corndog selfies and Ferris wheel panoramas – my lens sought untold stories waiting to be revealed. The vibrant energy of Dia de los Muertos unfolded before me, a tapestry of tradition and color. Fiesta de Marionetas brought tales to life with each intricate puppet movement. But it was the Acrobuffos Water Show that truly stopped me in my tracks. The epic water balloon fight became my unforgettable cover shot, a testament to the show’s chaotic brilliance.

Then there was the awe-inspiring Sarah Twister, bending and contorting into seemingly impossible positions, and the jaw-dropping skills of Mighty Mike, a two-time Guinness World Record holder juggling like nobody’s business. These incredible talents, along with countless others, thrived outside the mainstream spotlight.

Sure, I couldn’t slip through secret backstage doors or access hidden pathways. But the true thrill lay in capturing moments many would simply pass by. The grand attractions hold their own charm, but for me, the authentic heart of the State Fair beats in these unique, verborgen corners.